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Preferred Integration Partner

AOP Technologies is pleased to have established a Preferred Integration Partnership with BTB Solutions – a full-service systems integrator founded in 2008 and located in SW Washington State, with a focus on the Pacific Northwest Manufacturing Sector. 

To support expanding markets and increased demand, we work closely with BTB Solutions with a focus on systems integration of packaging and palletizing equipment using Kawasaki industrial robots and Omron collaborative robots and safety equipment.   

In 2021, BTB launched The REAPR, an innovative low cost, simple to operate, flexible and quickly deployable palletizing solution for warehouse and logistics spaces. It can be installed to function as a stand-a-lone palletizing system or be integrated into a larger system as it easily communicates with other devices. 

In addition to our offering of Kawasaki industrial robots and Omron collaborative robots, we are also BTB’s “manufactures’ representative” in the Pacific Northwest for the REAPR palletizing system. We can help you verify a REAPR will handle yourpalletizing requirements and can facilitate demos and final transactions.   The REAPR fills labor gaps, saves money, and maintains the robust demands for reliable palletizing systems. The REAPR (Rapidly Employed Automated Palletizing Robot) is an innovative, low-cost solution for the warehouse and logistics space and is simple, flexible, and quick to deploy for palletizing applications.
  • Turn-Key Palletizing System
  • Easy to Setup
  • Full Size Palletizer
  • Three Pallet Positions
  • Perfect Pick Every Time
  • Precision Pallet Stacks
  • Fully Integrated Safety System
  • No Programming Required
  • No Anchoring Required
  • Changeable End-Effectors
  • Requires only Power and Air
  • Movable by a standard 5,000 Forklift